A Delmarvalous Giveaway from an Oregon Author

The books came in my mail at the beginning of a week that had just climaxed with the memorial service for my sister in law, Frieda.  I was more than ready for a diversion.  The dishes sat, unwashed in the sink.  There was laundry to fold and company extras to put away.  I sat in my chair and held the book like a precious gift.

Displaying ds.fotc.cover.jpg

And so, I read.  I laughed.  I cried.  I snagged Certain Man and read to him about heartache and infertility and redemption and adoption and weddings and families committing to going ahead with joy when the Locusts have eaten so much — too much, claiming the promise that is in Joel 2:25.  We sat quiet and reminiscent and full of realization of what God has done for our own family.

I finally had to put it away so I could get something done in my house, but the first opportunity found me at it again.  Youngest Daughter was home from College and I snagged her and read to her about Grandma’s indignation over those “unfaschtandich Beatles!” while we both laughed and laughed.  Then Eldest Daughter got drawn into the story about the Californian wine maker who pronounced Dorcas a “beautiful woman” and produced a plastic recorder and played a song.  Just for her. Under very unusual circumstances.  Again, the words were rich, the mind pictures inescapable, and the mirth was warm and companionable.

“Hey Jesse,” shouted Oldest Daughter to her long suffering spouse in the next room.  “How come you never played a song, just for me, on your recorder?”

Of course, this produced great bewilderment on the part of Beloved Son in Law, and we had to explain all about Dorcas Smucker’s new book.

Explain about Dorcas Smucker’s new book.  Well, that is kinda’ what I am trying to do right now.  Even if you haven’t grown up conservative Mennonite, or raised a big family while trying to keep family values and traditions intact, you cannot help but relate to this honest and transparent account of a Mama who tries to do it “right” — whether that is relating to adult children who haven’t made choices that she is comfortable with, or teenage daughters trying to make cookies without help, picking berries with reluctant helpers, giving gifts that people “ought to want,” being a daughter to aged and independent parents, being a sister in law to a family that doesn’t know how to tell stories, traveling across the globe in world — and mind–and heart stretching experience, and the list goes on and on.

The thing I love is that in all of this, Mrs. Smucker’s heart comes through.  I haven’t begun to touch on the subjects that are covered in this book of  183 pages and 35 stories, divided into five sections.  So great for those of us who find that we need some stopping places sometimes — and for those of us whose reading preference is short stories.

Just so you know, Dorcas.  You really do know how to tell a story “right.” (And for those of you who haven’t already perused her blog, you can find those rightly told stories here:  www.dorcassmucker.blogspot.com.)

And so, I’m giving away a copy of Mrs. Smucker’s new book.  Just leave me a comment (if you can’t manage a comment, then leave your name as a comment– although an honest to goodness comment is going to warrant TWO entries)  HERE.  On my blog.  In the comments section.  (A comment on Facebook won’t count!)  and I will draw a winner by Monday, November 17, 2014 and attempt to send it out on Tuesday morning.

If you don’t wish to wait to see if you win a book, or if you don’t win and want one, here is the information from the publisher:
Footprints on the Ceiling is available for $15 per book, postage included.  You can mail a check to Dorcas Smucker, 31148 Substation Drive, Harrisburg, OR 97446.  US addresses only.  To order a copy for Canada or overseas, email Dorcas at dorcassmucker@gmail.com.

The book is also available from amazon:


Filed under Book Review

76 responses to “A Delmarvalous Giveaway from an Oregon Author

  1. Sandra Miller

    I love Dorcas’ writings – I get her blog in my email and miss it when she off elsewhere and is not posting. I would love to get a copy of her recent book. She does make me laugh, too, – reminding me of the times when our children were still at home…

  2. Susan

    I love Dorcas! And I must say I like your style of writing as well.

  3. Chel

    I’ve read a couple of her books and I love them!

  4. Ruth Hochstetler

    Two of my favorite writers, MaryAnn and Dorcas. You are both great story tellers. If I’m too busy to read your blog when it first comes out, then I play ‘catch-up’ later. My husband was just diagnosed with macular degeneration in his ‘good’ eye, and he has been an avid reader. I think your book would be the ideal book to read to him.

  5. Teresa Weaver

    I really enjoy reading Dorcas’ blogs and have read one of her books. Would love to win her new book.

  6. Rhonda

    I enjoy Dorcas’ blog and would love to win her new book.

  7. Liz

    I have enjoyed reading Dorcas’ blog for a long time. I’ve read a few books here and there, but don’t have any of my own. Would love to have one!

  8. Rhoda

    Love the idea of winning this new book to add to the others I already have…all autographed I might add!

  9. I love to read anything that Dorcas writes! And my husband enjoys it when I read to him from her blog posts, books; in fact, he sometimes has me forward links to him! So her new book will be well-read at our house!

  10. marilyn martin

    I read Dorcas’blog and would love to own a copy of her book!

  11. Marybeth

    I love Dorcas’ writing for two reasons. First, she is an incredible write who touches my heart EVERY SINGLE TIME. Second, she lives about 1/2 hour from where I grew up, so I love reading about “home” when she mentions places. I keep my eyes peeled when I drive from my parents’ house in Corvallis to my daughter’s home south of Eugene just to take in her home area. The drive is especially nice if you go the back way on Peoria Road.

  12. I would love to win Dorcas’ new book!

  13. Treva

    I enjoy Dorcas’ blog and your writing as well. Would love to win the book!

  14. Don’t add me to the drawing, I’m one of the reviewers too, but I had to comment anyway. I love your style of writing too. It’s fun to check out the other bloggers after I write my review, I usually find a new one to follow.

  15. Priscilla

    I have all of Dorcas’ other books and would like to win this one!

  16. rhonda p

    I absolutely love dorcas’ ability to turn ordinary life happenings into laughable moments. Would love to win this new book too!

  17. Pearl Mast

    Mary Ann,
    I’m not so much interested in Dorcas’s book as in yours. Are you still selling them? If so, I would like to get one for my sister Debbie for Christmas.

    • Yes, Pearl, I am still selling them They are $14.00 if they are picked up here at the house or if I can drop them off somewhere locally. I will mail them for an additional $2.50, so if you need me to mail it, you can mail a check (for $16.50) to me @ 7484 Shawnee Road, Milford, DE 19963, and I will try to mail it out very promptly. Like the next day. 🙂 It usually only takes a few days for it to arrive once they are mailed. And THANKS!!!

  18. Ruth

    Thanks for your review of the book. Tweaks my interest. I’d love to win it.

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